GoGather Blog

Marketing Strategies to Boost Attendance at Your Next Corporate Event

Written by Madison Shepherd | May 23, 2024 5:05:17 PM

Struggling with event attendance? 

Take a moment to review the marketing channels you're currently using to promote your event to attendees.

Whether it’s leveraging social media platforms, email marketing, or targeted advertising, identifying the channels that resonate most with your audience can make all the difference in driving turnout and engagement.

In this article, we’ll reveal the top 5 most effective marketing channels for engaging attendees and ways that you can use them to boost attendance at your next corporate event. 

The Most Effective Marketing Channels for Event Attendees

A study by CB Events reported that the most effective marketing channels for event attendees were ranked as follows: social media took the lead (47%), followed by email marketing (30%). Digital ads (28%), event websites (27%), and influencers (21%) trailed behind. 

Source: 2024 CB Event Trends Study

Social Media Event Marketing

Are you currently using social media to promote your event? Well, you should be—72.5% of the total U.S. population uses social media daily (DataReportal, 2023). 

Use the power of social media to increase awareness of your event and attract more attendees by implementing some of the strategies listed below.

1. Create a Series of Social Media Posts

Craft an engaging social media campaign about your upcoming event, including details such as date, location, agenda highlights, speakers, and how to register. 

Use visually appealing graphics and videos to grab potential attendee's attention. 

2. Share Behind-the-Scenes Content

Offer sneak peeks of your event preparations, such as venue setup, speaker teasers, or pre-event interviews with presenters. 

This strategy can build anticipation and excitement among your social media followers.

3. Video Marketing

Leverage video marketing by utilizing talking head videos from industry leaders, promotional clips from event speakers, and engaging sizzle reels from previous events to generate excitement and interest. 

These dynamic videos can be shared across social media platforms and email campaigns to showcase the event's value and appeal.

4. Run Contests or Giveaways

Host contests or giveaways on social media to increase word-of-mouth promotion. For example, offer free event tickets to lucky winners who share your event posts on their own social media accounts or tag friends in the comments below. 

Which is the Best Social Media Platform for Event Marketing? 

Wondering which platform is the best place for your event marketing? The best social media platform for event marketing depends on your event’s theme and target audience. 

To effectively reach your target audience, it's important to choose the right social media platform based on the type of event you're promoting. If you’re trying to get Gen Z to attend a cool festival, TikTok, YouTube, Snap, and Instagram might be best. If you’re hosting a business conference, LinkedIn might be best.

Email Event Marketing

Email marketing is a valuable tool you can use for your event marketing efforts. Make sure to use a reputable Email Service Provider (ESP) so your emails are less likely to be marked as spam when sent out. 

In your email content, try some of the following strategies to enhance your event marketing efforts.

1. Segment Your Email List

Divide your email list into segments based on factors such as demographics, interests, or past engagement with your events. 

This allows you to tailor your messaging and offers to specific audience segments for maximum impact.

2. Send Personalized Invitations

Create personalized email invitations that address recipients by name and highlight the value proposition of attending your event. Make sure to include a clear call-to-action button for easy registration. 

3. Send Countdown Emails

Create a sense of urgency and excitement among potential attendees by sending countdown emails as your event date approaches. 

Remind them of important deadlines or slowly roll out the agenda via special email announcements.

4. Share Testimonials or Success Stories

Include testimonials from past event attendees, speakers, or sponsors to showcase the value of your event. 

Share a written quote or video from a previous attendee highlighting the positive impact of their experience at the event, which can inspire others to register.

5. Offer Early Bird Discounts or Promotions

Encourage attendees to register early by offering limited-time discounts, early bird pricing, or exclusive perks for those who register within a specific timeframe. 

Digital Ads

With digital ads, you can precisely target and reach your desired audience across various online platforms.

1. Social Media Advertising

You can create targeted ads on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn to reach specific demographics or interests relevant to your event. 

For instance, the GoGather Instagram feed features a social media advertisement promoting the fourth annual Poke Fest at the Koloa Landing Resort in Hawaii, happening next month. The post includes a link for more information and registration.

2. Google Ads

Utilize Google Ads to display your event ads to users searching for event-related keywords or browsing relevant websites.

For example, when we search “corporate conferences san diego” this sponsored Google advertisement by NICE CX Business Conference comes up first. 

3. Display Ads

Place banner ads on industry-related websites or blogs frequented by your target audience.

4. Retargeting Campaigns

Set up retargeting campaigns to reach users who have visited your event website or shown interest in similar events. This method of online advertising is a great way to recapture potential attendees who leave your site without registering. 

Ever search for socks on Amazon, decide not to buy, and then get bombarded with sock ads for the next week? That’s retargeting marketing in action.

5. Geo-Targeting

You can use geo-targeting to display specific ads to potential attendees in locations where similar events or conferences are being held.

By focusing on these areas, you can effectively capture the interest of individuals who are already engaged in related activities and more likely to attend your event.

Event Site Marketing

Event listing websites provide a centralized platform to showcase your event and attract attendees searching for relevant experiences. 

By optimizing your event listing with compelling descriptions, images, and keywords, you can increase your event’s visibility and drive registrations. 

1. Event Listing Websites

Post your event on popular events listing platforms like Eventbrite, Meetup, or Eventful for an easy attendee registration process.

These platforms also enable attendees to search for similar events within your industry or location.

2. Industry-Specific Directories

Submit your event to industry-specific directories or websites catering to your target audience. 

For example, Industry Events lets you search by event type, industry, or keyword to match attendees up with events that may be of interest. Event Web does a similar thing, except for trade shows and expos. 

3. Partner Websites

You can also collaborate with partners, sponsors, or industry organizations to promote your event on their websites or newsletters.

Partner with Social Media Influencers

Although influencers ranked last among the top 5 most effective marketing channels, partnering with those who have a significant following among your target audience can positively impact your event attendance.

For example, collaborating with industry experts, brand ambassadors, or social media influencers who have a strong relationship with your event’s target audience could help boost your credibility and brand awareness. 

You can use influencers to amplify your message through sponsored posts, Instagram takeovers, or post collabs on Instagram or LinkedIn.

Event Promotion Timing

When it comes to event promotion timing, most event managers begin attendee outreach efforts within 60 days of the event—only 22% start more than 61 days prior to the event (CB Events). 

However, if you’re hosting a larger conference or international event, we recommend you start marketing for your event closer to 90-120 days before the event, so attendees have time to book lodging and travel arrangements. 


Source: 2024 CB Event Trends Study

Plan Your Next Event with GoGather

Need help strategizing your marketing plan for your upcoming event? Let’s chat about how GoGather can help you boost attendance and create your best corporate event yet.