How Far Will You Travel for Work?
I recently had the honor to travel to Bali, Indonesia. Twice. I trekked halfway across the globe for a total of 28 hours to go to work. Talk about a commute!
The way I see it? Perks of the job.
You see, I have the pleasure of planning and hosting corporate meetings and incentive trips. Sometimes I stay close to home. And sometimes, I get really lucky and have the opportunity to travel across the world to organize, host, and cater to my clients. All things that I LOVE.
With everything happening in the world, from violence to natural disasters, one might think that taking employees on an extended journey is too risky. But, according to this article and a newly released SITE Index Report, ‘optimism’ is the word used to describe how employers feel about destination travel. In fact, the article stated that “almost three quarters of incentive buyers (72 percent) say incentive travel programs are “very effective” compared to just half (51 percent) who said that in 2016.” And, guess what? Location and it’s “wow” appeal is the #1 driver in the destination travel decision making process. And, while most companies tend to stay within their home region, a good 10% take that leap of faith and go far to go big.
Staying on your own continent or exploring elsewhere, destination travel isn’t just reserved for high end incentive trips. Destination sales meetings are also very effective- taking the everyday mundane PowerPoint presentation-style meeting to a new level. A change of scenery can clear a clouded mind and ignite new ideas. People tend to network differently in a destination setting, too. They are a little more relaxed, a little more open, a little more inspired- resulting in a higher return on experience for employees and a higher return on investment for employers.
One of the biggest advantages of holding a sales meeting in a relaxed environment is the natural and quality amount of networking that takes place. Especially when the destination is new to a majority of the attendees. People bond over newness and the unknown. And when people start recognizing names and/or job titles and learning more about one another on both personal and professional levels, a whole new way of working together is born. It’s thrilling to watch it all unfold.
Finding that sweet spot for destination travel, incentive or sales meeting or otherwise, can be tricky. But with a good meeting and planning executer at your side, the benefits far exceed the trickiness. And the enthusiasm and fresh new perspective that exudes from attendees as they hop in the car to be transported back to the airport after a successful week? Priceless.